I’m a visionary, challenger, educator, nervous new mom to be, & Part time blogger

I’m just a gal navigating life's wild ride, trying to savor the journey. I’m my harshest critic—it’s a rollercoaster in my head daily! I’m obsessed with the funky flair of 80s and 90s fashion, and I’ve got a knack for scoring those vintage gems at thrift stores. Bright colors? Leg warmers? Count me in! This blog is my work-in-progress, my plane that I’m building mid-flight, so bear with my quirks. Here, I lay it bare—my life, doubts, and quest to embrace my perfectly imperfect self. Welcome to my world!

Take a peek at my everyday face routine

Join me, Bare Face Shay of Shaybleu, as I dive into my face wash routine tailored for oily, acne-prone skin. Discover how I use PanOxyl face wash for a deep cleanse, follow up with a unique mix of apple cider vinegar and honey for toning, and finish with fresh aloe vera straight from the plant for that soothing touch. Plus, a little insider tip: stay hydrated with Costco’s Kirkland water to keep your skin looking its best. Simple, natural, and effective – this is skincare, Shaybleu style!"

Bare Face Shay_Hair Care Routine For Detangled & Moisturized Two Stand Twists

👩‍🦱 In this video, you'll get the lowdown on: 1. My go-to products for detangling without the drama. 2. How I lock in moisture to keep my hair feeling soft and looking shiny. 3. The secrets behind my hassle-free two-strand twists - an easy style that keeps my hair healthy and fabulous.

My Fashion Go To’s

  • American Apparel Leg Warmers

    My number one fashion hack for any outfit is a pair of colored leg warmers. Trust me, a pair of these will change your whole outfit and make it come alive!

  • American Apparel Thigh High Socks

    These are my favorite socks to wear with any pair of leggings and some ankle boots. I love them! They can dress up any outfit!

  • scrunchies

    My new bracelet accessory! I love love love wearing these on my wrists with every outfit. It just makes it colorful and fun. It adds a touch of color and style for any occasion you want to attend. Let’s make your outfit pop!


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