4-9-Lesson 1: help yourself

help yourself


help yourself 〰️

At the age of 35, I finally found out something about myself. I enjoy helping people. I enjoy knowing that what I did helped an individual succeed in some capacity. I did not realize helping others usually puts you second, and you stop helping yourself. I can easily observe what someone needs to do to fix their problem. I tend not to use this same observation in my life. I know what to do, but I keep doing the opposite. We know the definition of that, Insanity. Am I crazy? The answer is yes if I keep practicing the same behavior and want a different outcome. I can be honest with you guys; I like the gratification part. I like people telling me I helped them; I like reaping the benefits intrinsically. It makes me feel good knowing I was a part of something good. So that means I stop helping myself. I keep helping others when I know they should help themselves; in hindsight, I have become an enabler. And if it does not go my way, I blame them! Crazy right? What the hell is wrong with me? So, to answer my question, Is it helping? No, if anything, it is making it worse. Start helping yourself first, and then maybe, just maybe, you can start to help others based on what is working for you.


