Shay Bleu

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I am currently in a place of finding myself. It is funny because I never thought I would be the one to sit here at age 35 writing about 1 finding myself or 2 reinventing myself. We believe as adults, or I thought I knew it all. I knew what I wanted, who to be with, and the money and financial security I needed. But the funny thing is I still do not know. I am researching, listening, journaling, and half-ass meditating in this NEW phase I call Life.

Through this new phase and journey, I learned I need help! And I found this AMAZING woman named Mel Robbins. I cannot believe it is 2023, and I am now just finding out all the LIFE-CHANGING tools, youtube videos, podcast episodes, and audibles. She is changing my life one episode at a time. Listening to the coaching sessions helped me understand the fear in my own life and how I stopped myself and have stopped myself for several years. I found this out at a vulnerable moment in my life. At that moment, I realized I believed in the person I sleep next to every night more than in myself. Wow, that was hard to say aloud and a hard truth to accept.

I finally accepted the truth. I wanted my boyfriend to act like superman and save me from all my problems. I wanted him to take over everything in my life that was hard. My finances, investment decisions, creating an online business, and emotions. The exact opposite happened. I slowly filled the shoes of saving us both. I became so emotionally invested in failing that I lost myself. I started to become paralyzed physically and vocally. The worst thing in life is not speaking up and making choices to help everyone except yourself.

So I sat in my car for a minute, pulled out my journal, and wrote down the question. What do I want? What am I doing? and Who do I want to be? Mel Robbins says I need to think and visualize my future self.

So I wrote down the future Shayeeda… What makes her happy? What gives her energy? What makes her scared? What can she do every day that requires work but passion? This is the beginning of Reinventing Shayeeda Mahario.

Remember you can add any color to an outfit and it will POP!