Shay Bleu

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5-21 The fuck it method

You know that feeling when you are about to jump in the pool, but you hesitate. You slowly walk up to the water to tap your foot to feel the temperature. This was me my entire adult life. It took me a year to launch the blog because I hesitated. I tapped my foot in the water before jumping in because I wanted to feel comfortable or feared what I might jump into.

It is hard to admit; I hesitated, doubted my abilities, and worried about the opinion of others. You know how you agree with other people’s points, but you do not agree with them? You agree to keep the peace or fear how they will react. These barriers and pauses prevent us from taking risks and seizing opportunities for personal growth or self-acceptance. 

This week I questioned myself in writing this blog by letting outside noise that doesn’t exist affect my emotions. We feed thoughts, and they grow. We make nothing into something. Remember, people’s thoughts and opinions are subjective and can be limiting if you allow them to dictate your choices. Today it stops. Let’s stop it today.

Are you tired of holding yourself back due to fear and the opinions of others? It’s time to create a mindset that empowers you to push through your fears and stop allowing external influences to hinder your personal growth. The first step is pushing through fear and a willingness to embrace discomfort. It involves stepping outside your comfort zone, taking risks, and embracing failure as a valuable learning experience. It’s about acknowledging that you control your life and no one else can determine your worth or potential. Let’s adopt a mindset that encourages us to silence those doubts and fears, replacing them with the method below. 

We shall call it,

The “Fuck it “ Method:

Pushing Through Fear and Embracing Personal Growth

The essence of the “Fuck it” method lies in the willingness to let go of self-imposed limitations and societal expectations. It’s about adopting a bold and fearless attitude toward pursuing your goals and dreams, regardless of what others think or say.

Embracing this method begins with shifting your focus from external validation to internal fulfillment. Start by identifying things that truly matter to you and align them with your goals. Understand that progress and growth often come with discomfort and uncertainty. Embrace the mindset of “Fuck it,” I’ll give it a try,” rather than letting fear hold you back. Remember, this method is not about disregarding the thoughts and feelings of others entirely. It’s about balancing while remaining open to constructive feedback and healthy relationships. You reclaim your power to define your success and happiness.

So, if you’re tired of holding yourself back and allowing the fear of judgment to hinder your personal growth, it’s time to adopt the “Fuck it” method. Embrace your inner strength, push through the barriers, and let go of self-limiting beliefs. Start living where you prioritize your growth and happiness, regardless of what others think. It’s time to say “Fuck it” to the doubts, fears, and external influences and embrace a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.