5:7 Procrastination

procrastination is my boo


procrastination is my boo 〰️

Hey, bleu bells, I do not know if I am the only one struggling with this, but procrastination has officially become my new boyfriend. It lays in the bed next to me every morning when I snooze my alarm at 4:30 am; when I decide to crawl in bed to watch Netflix on a Friday when I have a blog deadline on Sunday, it snuggles its way right next to me holding me in its arms. We have a toxic relationship. I know we need to break up, but it feels good when I run away from my responsibilities to lay in bed and forget I must deal with life. When the Grey’s Anatomy episode is over, and it’s been 2 hours, I suddenly feel this pain in my stomach because I know I messed up and scrambled to get things done. But I know procrastination is right there, holding the phone, waiting for me to lay in bed and act as if this is normal.

Is this my fault?

Why is it so hard to do things I love? I struggle with placing duties that are a low priority as a high priority. I become easily distracted by tasks that do nothing for my growth. Honestly, this blog is helping to look deep at my faults, insecurities, and self-defeating behavior. I am embarrassed, and it’s a revealing moment writing about it. Want to know a secret? I always have the best answers for people who struggle with the same issues, but why don’t I ever take my own advice? Is that insanity?

I need to act on why I consistently make this unwanted choice. First, I asked if I was procrastinating or not managing my time effectively. I am delaying tasks rather than not completing them. Research suggests that studies have found that procrastinators carry accompanying feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety with their decisions to delay.

Honestly, in my defense, I choose not to do it. This is the bottom line. I know what I need to do and choose to do the opposite. I am at a stage where I need to change how I complete tasks, manage time, create a priority list, and deliver. In the words of my Uncle Benny, I am full of shit. I have more than enough time to do the things I want. I do not have any children; I work two jobs by choice, and I have an abundance amount of time at my full-time job to work on my side passion. The problem is me. Let’s keep it real. I do this to myself, and I blame time and procrastination. Like I said a toxic relationship.

Now that I know my new boyfriend is unhealthy for me, what do I do? Do I stay and complain about what I must do? We all know what we need to do, but do we want to do it? I am challenging myself and you all to do it. Do what you need to do to get to the next level. It can be one small task of turning your phone on Do Not Disturb after 7:00 pm to complete that task that is the highest priority we don’t want to do. Want to know a secret? If you want it, will you work for it?  

Is it imposter syndrome or are you just not doing it
— shaybleu

5:7-photos taken by steffahn maclin


5:7 Secret topic 3 Mental health