Shay Bleu

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6-18-Healthy life, wealthy life

Welcome, beautiful souls, to Shaybleu!

I want to briefly discuss our health and why this is a secret topic. As women, we do not collectively hold each other accountable for the foods we eat, not being active, or consistently backing away from living a healthier life. I know it is hard to change your lifestyle, but do we want to live a longer, healthier, more vibrant life? I do. I want to have the same energy I have now at age 65. Why is this a topic we strive away from? I understand we feel insecure or embarrassed. We need help. We do not know how to ask for it or where to start.

This topic is killing us. We are dying of obesity, and plastic surgery to try and fix the problem. We must start with us. We are feeding our body everything it hates. The body is meant to be healthy, energetic, and disease-free. Remember the saying, "You are what you eat"? It holds a powerful truth. Our food directly influences our health, vitality, and overall well-being. It can come off as preachy, but this is our life. We only have one life. We deserve to live how we want based on our energy level, mood, stress, mental health, etc. Research says An unhealthy diet does not provide you enough energy for your everyday needs. On the contrary,

Leads to fatigue

Causes poor mental health

Provokes irritability

Increases stress and depression

Decreases your energy level

Reduces your ability to think clearly and work effectively

We all love a good brunch and cocktail, but we need limitations. Brunching every week can lead to poor nutrition, diet, and obesity. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, African American women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States. About 4 out of 5 African American women are overweight or obese. This is the hard truth. Numbers do not lie. Where do we go from here? Do we walk away and continue to live an unhealthy life or take control? Remember, I never said it was easy; just necessary.  

Obesity and African Americans Statistics-Minority Health Website

Let's delve into the transformative power of living a healthy life, where we prioritize the right foods, embrace an active lifestyle, and cultivate the energy and vitality we desire. We start with one thing to change our unhealthy habits. If healthy eating was not taught in the household when you were young, it is time to start creating and actively using that practice.

My diet is simple. I eat the same types of food Monday-Friday. People always ask, do you get tired of eating the same things? My answer is always the same. I am training my body to function and eat what I feed it. When you prepare a dog, it follows; they follow when you provide structure for a child. Your body is the same thing. We all crave sugar, burgers, or fried foods. We are human. I am not saying I do not eat them. I eat them in moderation. I do not need to eat unhealthy food every day. If I did, I would not function properly. I want my body to be happy. I want to feed it high protein foods, low carbs, less sugar, hydration from water, antioxidants from fruit, and caffeine from green tea.


Shaybleu’s Diet

Breakfast 7:00-8:00 am

Four boiled eggs

8-9 Sliced apples

Two hands full of dry non-salted almonds

Cup of green tea

Alkaline bottled Water (1 Liter)


Lunch 12:00 pm

Two packets of tuna

Two boiled eggs

One handful of dry non-salted almonds

5-7 Sliced apples, a hand full of strawberries

Cup of green tea

Alkaline bottled water (1 Liter)


Dinner-6:00-7:00 pm

5-7 pieces of baked chicken wing dings

Spinach, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, or green beans

Black Beans

A hand full of strawberries 

I shop at HEB in the fresh meat market every 2-3 days. This is the best and healthiest protein!

Cook the chicken in the air fryer for 15 minutes and dinner is served.

ShayBleu’s Workout Plan

·       Monday and Wednesday 60-minute Hot Yoga


·       Tuesday and Thursday 45-minute strength training


·       Friday-Hot Sauna for 30 minutes or Off day


·       Saturday-I switch it up, 60-minute Hot Yoga, 45 Strength training, or a 2-mile run at the park


·       Sunday-Off day or occasionally 60-minute Inferno Pilates or 2-mile run at the park


An active life is a happy life.

I was dead by the end of this RUN, but I finished it.

Now I am not saying do my workout plan. I am giving you a taste of what I do to stay eating healthy and active. I love hot yoga. It helps my lower back issues, and I feel liberated. The heat is fantastic and relaxes my muscles. We all do what we can and what our body allows. We train the body to do what we want. It is easier said than done. This is the part where you get up and do it.

Without steps to change your unhealthy eating habits, I will never leave you absent. Follow the steps below in moderation to start practicing healthy habits. Remember, I never said it was easy; just necessary.

Back to Reality…I have not worked out in over seven weeks due to a minor surgery. I am scared of getting back out there. This is a normal feeling. What is not normal is not getting back out there and pushing through.

A healthy life is a wealthy life  

1. Set Clear Goals: Begin by setting clear and realistic goals for your dietary changes. Identify areas you want to improve, such as reducing processed food intake, increasing vegetable consumption, or reducing sugary beverages. Having clear goals will give you direction and motivation throughout your journey.


2. Take Stock of Your Pantry: Go through your pantry and fridge and remove any unhealthy temptations that may sabotage your progress. Get rid of processed snacks, sugary treats, and high-fat foods that don't align with your new eating habits. Replace them with wholesome alternatives like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources.


3. Plan Your Meals: Take the time to plan your meals. Design a weekly meal plan that includes a balance of nutrients and incorporates healthier options. This will help you stay organized, reduce spontaneous unhealthy food choices, and ensure you have nutritious meals readily available.


4. Practice Mindful Eating: Slow down and practice mindful eating. Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly, savoring each bite, and listen to your body's satisfaction signals. Avoid distractions like phones or TVs while eating, which can lead to mindless overeating.


5. Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Make it a priority to increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. Aim to include them in every meal and snack. Experiment with different varieties, colors, and cooking methods to keep it exciting and enjoyable.

6. Cook at Home: Cooking at home gives you control over the ingredients and portion sizes. Experiment with new recipes using fresh and wholesome ingredients. To make it a fun and social activity, involve family or friends in cooking.


7. Stay Hydrated: Often, we mistake thirst for hunger and end up snacking unnecessarily. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Carry a water bottle with you to remind yourself to drink regularly.


8. Practice Moderation: It's essential to practice moderation rather than deprivation. Allow yourself occasional treats or indulgences but in controlled portions. Learn to enjoy them mindfully and without guilt. This approach can help prevent feelings of lack and maintain long-term success.


9. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive community or find an accountability partner who shares your goals. Having someone to share your challenges, successes, and recipes can motivate and encourage your journey to healthier eating.


This is your life, and you have the power to shape it. Prioritize your health, feed your body what it truly needs, and witness its incredible ripple effect on every aspect of your existence. Remember, healthy life is a wealthy life, and you deserve the wealth that comes from embracing your well-being. It's time to embark on this purposeful journey, hand in hand, and create a life that radiates vibrant health and abundant joy. Remember, I never said it was easy; just necessary.

We all have different lives, but we all want the same thing. To live a happy and healthy life. We control that narrative.