Embracing the Chaos: The Power of Emotional Turmoil in Fueling Our Fire

Hey there, my Bleu Bells,

Today, I'm diving deep into a personal exploration - navigating the rollercoaster of emotions as we age and how these feelings, especially the turbulent ones, can actually be our creative fuel.

Internal Battles: The Real World Within

As I've grown older, I've noticed a shift. The world outside doesn't ruffle my feathers as much. The internal battles, the storms brewing within, and the emotional tides from those nearest to me really get me. I wonder, "Am I just too human or a little bit crazy?"

The Rihanna Work Mode: Emotionally Charged Productivity

There's this thing I do - retreating into my room, shutting the door, and just... working. In these moments, I channel my inner Rihanna - it's all about 'work, work, work.’ But why does it take an emotional jolt to kickstart this frenzy of productivity?

The Need for Emotional Catalysts

It's peculiar. How a tiny, insignificant thing can set us off, driving us into this whirlwind of productivity. It's as if we become too comfortable, too open, and suddenly, we need that jolt - that emotional catalyst to remind us to return to our grind.

Beyoncé’s Rage-Driven Excellence: A Relatable Phenomenon?

I recently read about Beyoncé needing to feel a bit of anger before she hits the stage to bring that fire to her performance. It made me wonder - is this what I'm experiencing? Do I need to be emotionally stirred to unleash my best work?

So, I'm throwing this out to you, my dear readers. Do you find yourself needing a bit of emotional turmoil to get into your zone of excellence? Is it a common thread, or am I just a unique case of productive madness?

The Comfort Zone Trap

Sometimes, this emotional isolation, diving deep into work, is a way to escape the comfort zone. We may become too relaxed in our routines, and it takes a little shake-up to remind us of our passions, drives, and desires.

Embracing the Madness

I am pondering if this emotional rollercoaster, this need for an emotional push to reach my pinnacle of productivity, is just a part of who I am. And maybe, just maybe, it's not about being crazy. It’s about embracing the chaos, using it as a tool to fuel our fire, reignite our passion, and push us towards achieving something phenomenal.

And if that means occasionally locking myself away to work like a maniac in the name of Rihanna and channeling my inner Beyoncé, then so be it. Maybe, in this crazy, emotional dance, we find our truest, most authentic selves.

Until next time, keep feeling all the feels,

Shaybleu 💙


Imposter Syndrome: Debunking Our Inner Doubts


My Sanity Saver: The Unveiling of a Thought Partner Amidst Life’s Absurdities