Shay Bleu

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Execute the energy

Hey there, my Bleu Bells! 🌟 Let's dive into a topic that's been tapping me on the shoulder lately – the art of executing the energy you put out into the universe. I'm not here to lecture you; I'm right there with you, living and learning through this process.

Here's the deal – I used to be one of those who would talk a big game. I'd chat endlessly about the incredible things I planned to do, the dreams I would chase, and all the grand visions swirling in my head. But you know what? Sometimes, I'd end up with my feet stuck in the mud, and all those big plans? They'd slip through the cracks.

It's like going to a restaurant stuffed with a meal and ordering that huge dessert because it looks incredible. You take a few bites, but the joy is overshadowed by the discomfort of being overly full or, even worse, wasting what could have been a fantastic treat. Yep, that was me, ordering big dreams and not thoroughly enjoying them because I wasn't ready to dive in.

For instance, I've been talking about starting a blog since practically forever. I'd scribble it down in my journal and talk about it like an expert, but guess what? I wasn't doing a damn thing about it. I was all talk, no action. And let me tell you, that's a recipe for frustration and feeling like a fraud. It took me over a decade to realize that the energy I put into the universe wasn't aligning with my actions. Talking was easy – it made me feel like I was making progress like I was already there. But I wasn't even close. And I called my bluff.

I had to sit myself down and have an honest talk. I asked myself, "Shay, are you ready to put in the work, to walk the walk?" It was like conversing with a hype man who never steps on the stage. Yeah, the hype is incredible, but when the curtain opens, where's the performance? That's when I realized – I was talking myself into circles. I was talking about blogging and planning new projects for the blog, but let's be honest – I wasn't even consistent with writing a single post.

And here I was, dreaming about adding more layers to this big vision when I hadn't even laid the foundation yet. So, I had to hit the brakes. Slow down, Shay. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a kick-ass blog or any other goal you've got in mind. It's time to focus, put action behind the words, and execute the energy I've been throwing into the universe.

Now, here's my suggestion, my Bleu Bells. If you're not ready to make the move or fully dive in and do the work, then maybe it's time to zip it. Seriously, silence can be golden. Speak only on what you're genuinely ready to tackle, what you're excited to put in motion. Because, let me tell you, the talk is cheap, but the missed opportunities and the feeling of being stuck in a cycle of unfulfilled promises? Those can hit you like a ton of bricks.

So, if you're ready to clear debt, build a business, change your habits, or whatever your heart desires, start with a planβ€”a small, consistent strategy. Talk to the right people, seek guidance, and make those baby steps toward your goal. Don't just talk about it, be about it. And remember, the energy you put into the universe matters, but it's the execution that truly makes the magic happen.

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