Shay Bleu

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Imposter Syndrome: Debunking Our Inner Doubts

Hey there, my powerful Bleu Bells,

Today, let's unwrap a topic that's as real as it gets –. Yep, you heard it right. Even your girl Shaybleu battles with it. There are moments, especially now, when I feel like stepping into an executive role is like wearing shoes too big for me, But why? Let’s spill some tea on this.

According to Forbes, research indicates that about 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives. A 2023 survey found that 70% of respondents have felt imposter feelings during their professional life.

Feeling Out of Place: A Personal Tale in my career, I'm wrestling with this nagging thought: Am I cut out for this executive role? Do I have the experience and the skills? I'm a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. And honestly, where does this even stem from? Insecurities? Fear? It’s all a mental fabrication.

The Mind's Trickery: Believing Our Own Stories: Isn’t it wild how we can concoct stories in our minds and start living them as if they were the ultimate truth? I've been down this road more times than I care to admit. Each time, I later realized how much I held myself back.

The Modeling Dream: A Regretful Reflection: Take my modeling aspirations, for example. I once had this burning desire to strut the catwalk. But then, one modeling agency’s rejection became my gospel truth. I told myself I wasn’t pretty enough, thin enough – just not enough. And guess what? I believed it. It’s a regret that still stings, a reminder of how harshly I judged myself.

The Turning Point: Saying No More to Self-Doubt Enough is enough. No more self-made barriers. No more backing down from opportunities because of a phantom jury in my head. It's time to shake off these unfounded fears and step up.

Be Nike: Do It: My boss hit the nail on the head – "Be Nike and go for it." Why hold back? Why let imposter syndrome dictate my path? It's high time I start believing in my capabilities.

Overcoming the Imposter Within: To all my Bleu Bells wrestling with imposter syndrome, it's time for us to rise. To recognize these doubts for what they are – mere shadows of our unfounded fears. Let's replace 'I can't' with 'I will' and 'I'm not' with 'I am.

The Journey Forward: As we navigate our careers and passions, let’s pledge to be kinder to ourselves, believe in our strengths, and leap, even when our inner critic screams otherwise.

Remember, you are more capable, deserving, and ready than you think. It's time to own our space, embrace our worth, and chase those dreams with all we've got. Here’s to conquering our inner imposters and embracing our true potential,


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