secret topic: are we really eating healthy?

Hello there, my lovely bleu bells. I've been thinking lately, amidst our busy lives and endless to-do lists, are we eating as healthy as we should? I mean, come on, is that wilted salad or that supposedly low-carb snack we devour while on the run as nutritious as they're claimed to be? Or are we simply falling prey to the claims of the ever-enticing food industry? Let's dive in, shall we?

Brunch has become the new social eating phenomenon. I will admit, It’s a good time, but I feel tired, bloated, and overly full when the hype ends. Why do I feel this way? Mixing alcohol with chicken and waffles. We are setting ourselves up for a sugar crash. I just answered my question. I feel this way because of the food I am eating.

The first thing we should do is give ourselves a little grace. We're only human, after all, and those chocolate chip cookies or that creamy pasta sometimes call our name like a long-lost friend. We've all been there, trust me. However, it's time we shook things up a bit. It's time to say, "Fuck it; I'm taking charge of my health."

To truly transform our eating habits, we must first debunk the myths surrounding healthy eating. Contrary to popular belief, healthy eating doesn't mean we have to restrict ourselves to a diet of flavorless salads and unseasoned steamed veggies. It's about balance, variety, and enjoyment. It's about discovering new flavors and textures and incorporating a rainbow of fruits and veggies into our meals. It's about savoring every bite and nourishing our bodies with the love and care they deserve.

Now, don't get me wrong, my dear bleu bells. I'm not suggesting that we suddenly become nutrition experts or that we should obsess over every calorie we consume, far from it. What I'm suggesting is a more mindful approach to eating, one that celebrates food for the nourishment it provides and not for the number of calories it contains.

But how can we do this, you ask? It all starts with educating ourselves. We must understand what our bodies truly need and feed them accordingly. Remember, our bodies are our homes, and we should treat them respectfully. Research, consult, and make informed decisions. Eat various foods, including different food groups, and remember, portion control is key. And no, you don't have to say goodbye to your favorite treats. It's all about balance and moderation.

Let's not forget the importance of hydration. Water is our body's best friend. It aids digestion, keeps our skin glowing, and even helps us feel full. So, let's ditch those sugary drinks and make water our number one choice.

Moreover, we need to listen to our bodies. Everybody is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Some may thrive on a vegan diet, others on a balanced diet with lean meats. Our bodies are smart, they know what they need. All we have to do is listen.

In conclusion, my lovely bleu bells, eating healthy isn't about following the latest diet trend or punishing ourselves with strict eating regimes. It's about embracing a lifestyle that promotes well-being and longevity. It's about enjoying food in its most natural state and feeding our bodies the right nutrients. It's about saying, "Fuck it; I'm choosing health; I'm choosing me."

So, the next time you're in the grocery store, pondering over which snack to choose, or contemplating ordering that takeaway for the third time this week, remember this. You have the power to make healthier choices. You have the power to define your health and happiness. Right now, let's make a pact to prioritize our health, celebrate our bodies, and fuel them with the nourishment they deserve. Because we're worth it, aren't we? Say it loud and proud, my bleu bells. We're worth it!

Grocery shopping with Shaybleu

Egg whites have changed my gut health completely.

This meal provides an ample amount of energy before you begin your day.

Ready to conquer the grocery store aisles and fill your carts with vibrant, nutritious choices? Buckle up because we're going on a fantastic journey to nourish our bodies with balanced meals. Here's a four-step guide to help you make informed decisions, so you can say, "Fuck it, I'm choosing health!"

  • Embrace the Rainbow: When you step into the fresh produce section, think of it as your canvas; your job is to paint it with as many colors as possible. Reach out for various fruits and vegetables, each color offering unique nutrients. Red strawberries, orange carrots, yellow bell peppers, green spinach, blueberries, purple eggplants – you catch my drift, right? The more vibrant your plate, the more balanced your diet.

  • Protein Power: Next stop, the protein aisle. It's not just about meat, my dear bleu bells. Think outside the box. A world of plant-based proteins like lentils, chickpeas, and quinoa is waiting to be explored. If you prefer animal-based proteins, opt for lean meats like chicken or turkey, and remember about fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Remember, variety is the spice of life and the key to a balanced diet.

  • Fat Doesn't Mean Fattening: Healthy fats are our friends, not foes. They keep us satiated and nourish our bodies. So, say, "Screw it, I love my avocados!" and embrace foods with healthy fats. Think nuts, seeds, avocados, and oily fish. And let's not forget the magic of olive oil – a staple in every health-conscious kitchen.

  • Make Smart Swaps: The secret to a balanced diet is making smarter choices. Instead of refined grains, reach out for whole grains. They're packed with fiber and keep you full for longer. Instead of sugary drinks, choose water, or brew your unsweetened iced tea with a squeeze of fresh lemon. Little changes can make a big difference.

Shopping for healthy options doesn't have to be a chore. It can be quite an adventure. Remember, my beautiful bleu bells, the power to choose health is yours. So, let's grab those grocery carts and fill them with colorful fruits, powerful proteins, friendly fats, and smart swaps. Because we're worth it, aren't we? Let's shout out loud and proud, "Fuck it, I choose health!"

Re-starting this fitness journey is not easy, just necessary.

Check out my testimony Youtube video after my first day in the gym!

One of my favorite pieces to wear. Found it during a shopping day at Burlington Coat Factory.


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6-18-Healthy life, wealthy life