secret topic: hurdles of life

Hey there, my fantastic bleu bells! 💙 I'm thrilled to be back and ready to share a profound revelation from my latest race in life. It's been quite a week filled with eye-opening experiences and soul-searching moments. Before I dive into the hurdle I faced this week, let me tell you life is an endless race – a constant stream of limitations we must navigate. Each hurdle represents a facet of our lives: fear, insecurities, happiness, hope, negativity, work ethic, family dynamics, and much more.

So, let's talk about the hurdle that challenged me this week – my fear of rejection. It's like being the last kid picked for the kickball game. Instead of facing this fear head-on, I ran right into it, trying my best to avoid feeling the discomfort. But let me tell you, running into the hurdle does more harm than good. It beats you mentally and emotionally, leaving you battered and bruised.

Confronting My Insecurities Life has a way of presenting us with hurdles that test our sense of self-acceptance. For the longest time, I sought validation from others, jobs, and the world, leading me down a dark path of self-doubt and fear. But it was time to take charge, to confront those insecurities that haunted me.

Revealing My True Identity As I delve deeper, I unveiled my true identity – not the fear itself, but what indeed lay behind it. The unknown held sway over my thoughts, making me feel powerless and out of control. But I realized I had more control over my life than I initially believed. The only thing I couldn't control was my emotions and how I reacted to life's uncertainties.

Planting the Seed of Fear, I allowed the seed of fear to take root in my mind, and it increased, overshadowing my thoughts and actions. Instead of living in the moment, I imagined worst-case scenarios, entangling myself in a web of negativity. This fear became my hurdle, and it was time to tackle it head-on.

Running Into the Hurdle In all honesty, I initially ran headfirst into the hurdle, entangled in doubts and negative self-talk. It was like running into a solid brick wall, leaving me feeling drained and disheartened. It was time to change my approach, learn from this experience, and keep moving forward in the race of life.

Running Over the Hurdle With determination in my heart, I got back up, brushed off the dust, and gave it another shot. This time, I ran over that hurdle, shattering the barriers I had set for myself. Yet, I realized that life's hurdles don't vanish – they resurface in different situations. I understood that I needed to keep jumping over them, time and time again.

A Constant Race Life is indeed a constant race, and hurdles will keep coming our way. We grow stronger, wiser, and more resilient each time we run over one. It doesn't get easier, but we become better at navigating it. Remember, you are the sole participant on this track, and you hold the power to conquer those hurdles.

Embrace Your Journey To all my fellow bleu bells, life's hurdles are integral to our unique journey. Embrace them, learn from them, and keep running with tenacity. Celebrate the victories and acknowledge the setbacks, knowing you possess the strength to overcome any obstacle. Keep pushing forward, for you are the master of your destiny.

So, let's lace up our shoes and face life's hurdles with courage and determination. Together, we'll run over each one, proving that we can conquer anything that comes our way. Embrace your journey, embrace the hurdles, and remember, you are powerful beyond measure. 💪💙 #OvercomingHurdles #RunOverTheHurdles #ShaybleuJourney

With love and solidarity, Shaybleu 💙


The Struggle of Consistency


Secret topic: I lost this week