The Comfortable Cocoon: Shaybleu’s Dive into the Comfort vs Happiness Conundrum

Hey, my fierce Bluebells,

It’s Shaybleu on the mic, ready to unravel a sticky thought that has been bugging me lately. My phone, which seems to have turned into a pocket-sized philosopher overnight, keeps throwing the same question at me -

"Are you happy, or are you comfortable?” I swear it’s like it’s reading my vibes or something!

So, let’s get real. I’ve been in a comfy zone. Yes, that comfortable, cozy spot where everything is okay-ish, but not really. It’s like I’m in this endless race, playing the bunny who keeps on running, but towards what?

I’ve been masking my comfort with work. Oh yes, I’m that girl who drowns in the to-do list to avoid facing the real deal. And lazy folks around me? They drive me up the wall. But here’s the twist. Am I being lazy too, just in a dressed-up, busy-bee way?

I’ve been letting my storms shape my emotions and actions. I’m on a see-saw, trying to balance but always tipping over to the ‘comfortable’ side. And every time I try to hop off this comfort zone merry-go-round, something yanks me back, keeping me in this loop of being the ‘easy-to-be-around Shaybleu.’

Now, I’m not one to wallow, but damn, it’s frustrating. My situation has me tied down, hindering me from soaking up the now, from truly living. My ego is screaming for more, yet I am nestled in comfort when I should be dancing with happiness.

So, what’s a girl to do? How do I crack this comfort versus happiness code?

First, recognizing that I’ve been in a comfortable cocoon is a start. It’s not snug; it’s a snug trap!

Ditch the Mask:
Work is not a cloak of invisibility. I’ve got to stop hiding behind it and face the music.

Embrace the Discomfort:
Comfort is easy; happiness is complex. But it’s in the hard where the magic happens.

Talk about it:
Spilling it out to someone trustworthy is like letting fresh air into a stuffy room. It clears the cloud.

Take Baby Steps:
Happiness won’t happen overnight, and that’s okay. Every step towards it is a victory.

Choose Happy:
It boils down to stepping out of the comfy and embracing the happy.

This ride isn’t smooth, but it’s necessary.

I’m done being the comfy bunny. It’s time to chase happiness, even if it means tripping and falling. And you know what, that’s okay because at least I’m on my way.

I’m rolling my sleeves, ready to dive into the messy, beautiful quest for happiness. Are you with me?

With raw truths and ready vibes,

Shaybleu 💙 #ChasingHappy #ComfortNoMore #RealTalkWithShaybleu


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