5-29 Stop caring & live

I suffered from a curable disease: I care about people’s thoughts. I was what you called a people pleaser. I tip-toed around people’s feelings, judgments, and insecurities to fit inside their boxes. I existed in a world I was not a part of. Honestly, I was scared to speak up and lived on validation from everyone accepting me. I lived my life based on the opinions and expectations of others. It became an exhausting and limiting experience. The weight became heavy of constantly seeking approval, where I could not fully express myself. I hid from my true self.

“Imagine living a life of not giving a fuck”
— shaybleu

Want to know a secret? I created thoughts about how people would respond and believed it. Do you know how exhausting that is? I finally said, “fuck it,” I am tired of needing validation from everyone. It did nothing for me. I did it so people would like me or know I was on their side, but that was for me. It was so I could receive validation from them.

Becoming aware and acting on it is the most liberating feeling. Recognizing that you don’t need to conform to societal expectations or fit into a particular mold and be happy is life-changing. When you authentically express yourself, you attract people and opportunities that align with your values and passions.

I guess I thought I was Wonder Woman


I guess I thought I was Wonder Woman 〰️

When overcoming the fear of what others may think, several strategies can help you navigate this challenge and embrace your authentic self. Below choose 1-2 strategies to start using now to support this journey of living and not caring about what other people think about you. Remember, I never said it was easy; it is necessary.

  1. Reframe Negative Thoughts: Challenge negative thoughts or self-doubt by worrying about others' opinions. Replace self-critical thoughts with positive affirmations and empowering beliefs reinforcing your self-worth and confidence.

  2. Build Resilience: Cultivate resilience to bounce back from setbacks and criticisms. Focus on developing coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills that help you confidently navigate challenges. Remember, setbacks are opportunities for growth and learning.

  3. Set Boundaries: Establish boundaries that protect your well-being and prioritize your needs and values. Learn to say no to situations or requests that don't align with your authentic self or bring you joy. Setting boundaries allows you to focus on what truly matters to you and reduces the influence of external opinions.

  4. Challenge Social Comparison: Recognize that comparing yourself to others is counterproductive and detrimental to your self-esteem. Instead of measuring your worth based on external achievements or validation, focus on your personal growth and progress. Celebrate your unique journey and appreciate your milestones.

  5. The “Fuck it” Method: Embracing this method begins with shifting your focus from external validation to internal fulfillment. Start by identifying things that genuinely matter to you and align them with your goals. Understand that progress and growth often come with discomfort and uncertainty. 

Remember, your life is a precious gift; living authentically and unapologetically is essential. By letting go of the need for external validation and caring about what others think, you empower yourself to embrace your true passions, dreams, and values. Free yourself from the burden of judgment and live a life that is true to yourself. It's time to stop caring and start living for yourself.

Let’s walk this journey TOGETHER
— shaybleu

Click the link below to my youtube channel Shaybleu, and weekly video;

No MORE Expectations


6.4-Take off the training wheels


5-21 The fuck it method