6.4-Take off the training wheels

I vividly remember the first time I learned to ride a bike without training wheels. The feeling was overwhelming. I felt my stomach drop to the ground. My mother walked me up a hill where at the time, I thought was the tallest hill in the world. The grass was bright green and short, the sun was perfect, not too much shine in my eyes. I felt like I could touch the sky.

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I can’t remember any hesitation or pep talk before. I felt a gentle push on my back from my mother; suddenly, I was riding down the hill. I couldn’t stop; I grabbed the handles tightly with my sweaty palms and became the driver. I fell off the bike and scraped my legs and knees. I got back up, walked up the hill, and did it again until I got it.

The feeling was exhilarating. I pushed through the pain, doubt, and fear. I had no choice. I just went with it. This is what you call living without hesitation. Children are so resilient when put in a situation they cannot control. They let go. I am finally letting go of the excuses, fear, uncertainty, and insecurities. I am choosing to live this life of transformation today, embracing the falls and scrapes and riding into the sunset with unwavering determination.

How I look when I use the “Fuck it” Method

Life is a wild ride filled with exhilaration, challenges, and growth moments. But too often, we find ourselves clinging to the safety of our training wheels, afraid to let go and truly experience the freedom and excitement of pushing beyond our limits. It's time to shed those training wheels, silencing the nagging voice of fear, and embark on a journey of living life to the fullest.

Removing the training wheels is not easy; this is about progression and pushing through your limits. Below you will find a list of 4 steps I want you to use when you are ready to go through the unknown, fear, doubt, and insecurities, living life to the fullest. 

Remember, I never said it was easy; just necessary.
— shaybleu

1. Challenge Yourself & Embrace the Unknown

We stay within our comfort zones when we ride with training wheels, avoiding the unknown and playing it safe. But real growth and fulfillment lie just beyond that threshold. It's time to let go of the control and fear that hold us back and instead embrace the thrill of the unknown. Stepping outside our comfort zones allows us to tap into our untapped potential, discover new passions, and experience the joy of facing challenges head-on.


2. Fall, Get Up, and Keep Riding

Embrace the falls as valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. We gain resilience, courage, and a deeper understanding of ourselves when we fall. So, dust off those scrapes, get back up and keep riding with unwavering determination. Remember, it's not about how many times we fall but how many times we get back up and keep going.


3. Silence the Voice of Fear:

It's time to silence that voice and challenge its limiting beliefs. Embrace the power of positive self-talk and affirmations to replace fear with courage and self-belief. Surround yourself with a supportive community encouraging you to push beyond your comfort zones. By silencing the voice of fear, we open ourselves up to endless possibilities and unlock our true potential.

4. Embrace the Journey:

Life is not just about the destination but the journey itself. When we take off the training wheels, we fully experience the ups and downs, the triumphs and setbacks. Embrace the growth process, savoring every moment and relishing in the adventure. Embrace the joy, the laughter, the tears, and the moments that make life truly meaningful. Remember, the memories and experiences shape us into the fearless individuals we aspire to be.

Below you will find my Youtube video, Take OFF the training wheels. I am giving you all a visual of how to use the steps above!

Click on the video below; subscribe if you enjoy the message! This is only the beginning!


6-11-Coach yourself


5-29 Stop caring & live