5.14-why can’t I do it all

I thought I was superwoman


I thought I was superwoman 〰️

I used to believe I could do it all. After I bought my first home, I gradually started to feel trapped. I became overwhelmed with everything. I put too much pressure on myself. I had a plan. It was aggressive. Also, it was done alone. I wanted this, but why?

Did I truly want this? A 2,500 square foot home to myself? Two jobs? Overpriced home repairs? Mow my backyard lawn? Credit card debt trying to furnish the house? HOA? Bug infestation?

I never wanted a house


I never wanted a house 〰️

Why did I take on so much? Why did I believe I could? I am not saying I am not capable. I am asking why did I want to? I moved in a way where I was always single, even in my relationships. I did it all. I never felt I was doing it with someone. I always felt alone. I never received what I needed from a relationship or anyone.

Shay you thought it was normal


Shay you thought it was normal 〰️

I thought I had to face everything alone, money, loneliness, fear, communication, doubt, life, etc. I never let anyone in. I had the I can do it all by myself mentality, not in a negative way, but in a robotic manner. It was natural for me. I thought it was normal.

Growing up, I observed my mom doing it alone and did not notice; I adopted that trait naturally. I never asked my friends or boyfriends for help. I always helped them rather than asking or helping myself.

Truth is I never felt comfortable to ask


Truth is I never felt comfortable to ask 〰️

After buying the home, I realized I did not want to do this alone. I needed help, guidance, and someone there physically, emotionally, and financially. I hated searching for solutions and practicing problem-solving skills alone.

I reflect on my past; maybe I never allowed the men to do it all. I just naturally took over. I did it all because it was my normal behavior. Wow, a liberating moment. I never allowed them to be a leader and do it all. I took it upon myself and did it all. Do you know how people learn? When you allow them to, push them to try again until they get it.

Or walk away when you know they will never get it


Or walk away when you know they will never get it 〰️

I feel like many of us think we can do it all. Guess what? We can’t and shouldn’t have to feel like we can. We need resources and the right people to help us get through what we call life. Empowering the right partner to become a leader will decrease and slowly change you’re I can do it all attitude. Trust me; I know it takes time to filter to find the right partner, but we all know from the beginning of dating if this is something you can and are willing to work with. PS don’t wait too long before this behavior becomes permanent.

you'll wake up at age 50 and wonder where the time went


you'll wake up at age 50 and wonder where the time went 〰️

Working two jobs to make it alone is not what I want. Working two jobs to build an empire with a partner is what I am going for. It is not easy; only necessary. Want to know a secret? I finally found the right partner to empower me to remain a leader while not doing it all.

This does not happen overnight.


This does not happen overnight. 〰️

Do you think you can do it all? Please leave a comment below on the topic discussed.




5:7-photos taken by steffahn maclin