The Real Talk Break: Hitting Pause... But Why?

Your girl Shay is diving deep today; no surface-level chit-chat here. We're getting into the nitty-gritty of what it means to hit a full stop in life. Yup, I've been on an unplanned hiatus from everything that makes me me. Writing, working out, the works. And I've been stuck in this rut of "What the hell am I doing with my life?"

I've been coasting through a fog of complaints about my job, finances, and energy levels - you name it. But deep down, I'm asking myself, did I need to slam on the brakes? Life threw a curveball, but was it a pause or an opportunity to reflect? Did I need this time to fight for what I truly want to do?

I've been looking for answers everywhere but inside. Asking everyone except the one person who has the answers: ME. Do I even want this life I keep griping about?

Then, amidst the internal noise this morning, a thought broke through - loud and clear. "Just write, Shay. Write about it all - the mess, the fears, the solitude, the doubt."

You see, my Bleu Bells, the trap isn't in the thinking; it's in the not doing. There's this wild irony in complaining about life, endlessly mulling over what should be done, and then doing nothing about it.

This is the story of my life. I catch myself lying in bed fantasizing about the job, financial freedom, and solitude I want but stalling myself on taking action for the life I want. Those who dream and stall are just dreamers.

But here's the deal - the line between the ordinary and the extraordinary isn't talent, luck, or timing. It's action. The greats? They just do the damn thing. It might not be perfect from the get-go, but they're out there, grinding, making, and shaping their dreams into reality, bit by bit.

So, here I am, putting it all out there and not just thinking but doing and starting with this blog. It's a step, a movement, a declaration that I'm more than my pause. It's my comeback to me.

To anyone feeling stuck, remember: it's not about the pause; it's about the play button. Hit it.

Start small, start messy, but start. Let's redefine our narratives, not by the pauses we take, but by our actions.

Here's to moving beyond the 'what the fuck' moments and stepping into the 'let's fucking do this' mindset.

Onward and upward,

Shay 💙

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Hitting Pause, Not Stop – My Current Chapter


Riding the Waves: Navigating Life's Tumultuous Tides